Let’s Talk About Sex
Online Group Session Series on the Topic of Sex, Desire, Taboos, & Shame
October & November, 2024
What is this series?
Simply put, this series is an opportunity to get together online and talk about sex openly and honestly, with vulnerability and daring. Many of us haven’t spent much time speaking openly about our sexual selves, and many of us yearn for an outlet for this part of ourselves.
So, in order to move through and get over any shame & embarrassment we may have, and to free ourselves, and more fully be ourselves—through bravely sharing, rather than shrinking, repressing, and withholding—let’s bare it all.
What will we do?
In this course, you’ll be introduced to exercises you haven’t experienced in previous Radical Honesty workshops.
You’ll have the opportunity to reveal out loud what you like, what you don’t like, what you’ve done, and what you’d like to do, in the context of sex.
All the while practicing the Radical Honesty fundamentals of noticing and reporting.
We will borrow games from Betty Martin and Joseph Kramer and other experts, along with exercises we’ve developed on our own.
We’ll also chat about fantasies, and explore your Core Erotic Theme – a concept proffered by Jack Morin in his book The Erotic Mind.
Additionally, you’ll get to explore your relationship with pleasure, and taboo.
You’ll also have the opportunity to be in contact with the group via email in between calls, and to reflect and practice by doing optional self-study assignments.
Our intention is to create a space for you to share what you’ve kept hidden about your sexual self.
And to do so in community, with support from each other and the coaches.
Betty Martin has said that the antidote to shame is being seen.
We hope this series serves as an opportunity for you to be seen, and to fully experience whatever comes up for you when you are totally revealed.
When is it and how much does it cost?
This series will feature four, 2-hour Zoom calls.
We’ll meet on the following Saturdays at 9 am PT/12 pm ET/6 pm CET:
-October 19
-November 2, 16, 30
(Please note that the sessions occur every other week.)
The exchange for four sessions with two facilitators, plus self-study assignments, and check-ins between calls is : $375

Praise for the Series
“I found the class to be very cathartic and humbling. I learned a lot about myself through the exercises, and through the experiences of the other participants. I enjoyed sharing a part of myself with the group that wouldn’t normally be spoken out loud or would happen behind closed doors. It was really good to evaluate my self-talk. The more I shared, the more I realized the stories I tell myself are silly and ridiculous. Before the course, I had some levels of shame about sex, and my own sense of worthiness in having it. As the group progressed, I felt challenged by my own edges and blind spots, but I also felt a shift from fear and insecurity towards being more playful and loving. The facilitators did a great job of guiding us down the rabbit hole, and overall, I feel a lot lighter and less inhibited than before. Also, it was a lot of fun.” -David S.
“I have been waiting for Radical Honesty meetups around sexuality, and am happy that they finally happened. So much came up for me in these workshops. I appreciate Lindsay and Tony very much for creating and holding this space. I perceived them as very present, as making themselves vulnerable and as very much reliable throughout these journeys through our sexual experiences, trauma and desires. Would love to join a follow up.” -K.S.
Lindsay St. Antoine has been a certified Radical Honesty Trainer since 2017. She is dedicated to supporting those who are working to build honest, authentic, relationships and communities, and is especially interested in working with folks in the Queer community and couples in “alternative” relationships. She is passionate about empowering people to stick with themselves (and each other) in vulnerable and often uncomfortable spaces and coaching them through fully experiencing their whole experience, so that they may come to know themselves, and share themselves fully with others.
Tony Cuseo is a Radical Honesty Trainer Candidate, and has co-led weekend workshops, and facilitated Radical Honesty practice groups. He has a BA in Communications from Chapman University and certifications in Embodied Counseling and Sexological Bodywork. He is passionate about creating art, music, and love.