
Dig in
Take root
Come to life

Being rooted in self awareness and radical honesty, and relating to others from that grounded place, is a revolutionary way to be in life.

Magic happens.
Beauty is uncovered.
Vibrancy is restored.
And life transforms…
…all with the willingness
to be real with our fellow humans,
in all our darkness and all our light.


This sort of awareness and honesty takes practice and commitment, since most of us were raised to be “nice”, bite our tongues, and never rock the boat. Many of our natural, honest impulses were taught, shamed, or punished out of us.

As your honesty coach, I’ll support you in developing your daily honesty practice so you can unlearn that suppression, liberate yourself, share yourself, and create a life that inspires you and others.

Your freeness in being empowers others to be free!

Interested in learning more about what you might get out of honesty coaching and what your sessions could look like? I’d love to do a free 20-30 minute consultation with you.

Praise from Coaching Clients


Not sure if you could use an honesty coach?

You may benefit from sessions with me if:

  • You want to reveal something you’ve been withholding, you’ve been scared to do it, and you want to work your way up to it with support from a coach.

  • You don’t have much practice tuning into your body, expressing your emotions, or sharing your more intimate thoughts, or you feel completely out of touch with them, and you’d like to practice tuning in and expressing.

  • You’ve realized that you’re building distance from others and creating suffering for yourself by regularly withholding what’s really up for you, and now you want to bridge that distance and ease your suffering.

  • You often feel disappointed in others and think you could explode at any moment, and you’d prefer to talk directly with people about your upsets instead of holding it all in, but you don’t know how to begin.

  • You frequently lie to the important people in your life and you feel guilty, stressed out, and sick over it, and you want to practice with a different way of communicating.

  • You’re afraid to stop pretending and start being yourself, and you worry that if you do, you’ll be laughed at, punished, or completely rejected, and you’d like to give it a try with a coach, first.

  • You’re in conflict with someone in your life and haven’t been able to come to resolution with them, or you avoid conflict at all costs, but you want to get to forgiveness.

  • You’re a people pleaser, a “nice guy”, or you tend to make yourself small and dim your light, but you want to feel more confident, actively in alignment with your values, and you want those around you to know what you’re really thinking, and how you really feel.

What kind of benefits?

  • Freedom & Ease

    Daring to share what we’ve withheld, and choosing to reveal what’s so- especially when it seems most challenging- often brings immense relief and liberation. A felt sense of inner peace and calm. Real relaxation and lightness, in mind and body. Ahhhhhhh.

  • Confidence & Self Esteem

    The more we practice being honest, open, and self expressed, and SURVIVE IT, the more resilience we build, and the more confident we become in boldly being ourselves. We learn to know ourselves as capable of directly facing the world, even when it’s scary.

  • Resolution & Forgiveness

    True forgiveness, that can be felt and experienced in our bodies, is possible through honest and complete expression of anger AND appreciation. This is the kind of forgiveness that naturally, quickly restores joy, love, esteem, and creativity between individuals.

  • Connection & Intimacy

    Deep connection and newfound intimacy are available through taking the risk to share ourselves- our real , unfiltered experiences- especially when it seems most difficult. Trust and closeness are organically created through mutual vulnerable and brave self disclosure.

  • More of What You Want

    Being in touch with our experiences and bodies, being aware of what we want, and sharing that with others, is an important part of honesty. Being able to clearly state and ask for what we want, often leads to GETTING more of what we want, and results in getting more comfortable hearing and truly accepting “NO.” as well.